Explore & Play!
This Summer in the Nature Classroom


The Strawberry Hill Nature Classroom is Opening Its Doors!


Strawberry Hill is thrilled to announce an exciting new opportunity for families this summer: Explore & Play, open hours in our nature classroom.

 Children and their families can explore brand-new interactive science stations, engage in hands-on play, work on crafts, and more, all thoughtfully designed by our professional education team to spark wonder and inspire connection with the natural world. Explore & Play hours will be Fridays Noon-3 & every other Saturday 9-Noon beginning June 7th through August 24th*.

 *Closed the week of July 4th


Join us as we celebrate the grand opening of our Nature Center on Friday, June 21st from 12-3pm. The day's festivities will include face painting, ice cream, crafts, and more! 


Strawberry Hill is committed to making Environmental Education accessible to all. Explore & Play in the Nature Classroom, as well as our Nature Playground and open campus hours, are offered without any charge to families thanks to our incredible donors and volunteers. You can support our community programs with a donation or by emailing info@strawberryhill.org to learn more about volunteer opportunities. Thank you!